and become the passionate podcaster
that you're meant to be!
Grab the mic...

Boost your bank account

Enjoy days off while your podcast generates leads

Master the podcast tech

Connect with the people that need your help

Create a binge-worthy podcast

My step-by-step blueprint will take you
on a journey to confidently…

"Recording in Progress."
PLUS… your bank account is finally matching your amazing income goals!

But best of all?
You're helping SO many people.
Doing your podcast feels effortless... 

Imagine this:

“Your podcast inspires me every week!”

“I loved your topic today. These tips are on my list now!

“I needed to hear that today. Thank you.”

You’re scrolling through Apple Podcasts and then...

You receive a notice that YOUR podcast has been published. 🤩

You promote your show  - and receive hundreds of emails and social comments.

You’d love to get this podcasting paradise into YOUR coaching business…

Is it really any wonder that you’ve had failure to launch for months (maybe even years)?

“I am NOT tech savvy…these apps are so intimidating, I’m not sure I can handle it.”

“Where do I even start? A podcast seems like an upside-down jigsaw puzzle!”

“Podcasting feels like a huge undertaking…do I really have the time to take this on?”

“I want my audio to sound good…not like I’m recording Dory speaking whale.”

“Which equipment is good and affordable? Some of these set-ups look CIA-level.”

But you’re completely crippled by unknowns and doubts and are holding back from sharing your powerful message.

You're worrying...

And you had the
exact blueprint to elevate your visibility and authority?

What if you were finally seen as the rockstar you are???

Guess what? You can!

Launch and share your podcast
so it can be seen and
heard on every platform

Cast your big vision and make the key strategic decisions that will get you started

Establish a home recording studio that sets you up for success and makes it easy to share your message

Share value and inspiration, ultimately making a more significant impact on others' lives

Craft your content so that you know exactly what to say in order to resonate with your target audience

Create a vibe that connects with your people, positioning you as the go-to person in your area of expertise

What if - beyond a shadow of a doubt - you could know how to:

Guess what? You can!

Launch and share your podcast
so it can be seen and
heard on
every platform

Cast your
big vision
and make
the key strategic decisions

that will get
you started

Establish a home recording studio that sets you up for success and makes it easy to share your message

Share value and inspiration, ultimately 
making a
more significant impact
on others' lives

Craft your content so that you know exactly what to say in order to resonate with your target audience

Create a vibe that connects with your people, positioning you as the go-to person in your area of expertise

What if - beyond a shadow of a doubt - you could know how to:

If you can follow the instructions for baking a box of brownies,
you can easily set up your podcast!

No more overthinking, confusion, frustration, impostor syndrome, and/or limiting beliefs.


Content creation


Tech selection + set-up

Your step-by-step blueprint for podcasting begins here with Podcast Startup Academy.

You’ll go from podcast idea to
podcast launch in just 6 weeks…because you’ll have simple steps for:

April Zajko

"I have taken a lot of digital courses over the last five years. Many of them over promise and under deliver, but not Podcast Startup Academy. This course trimmed out the fluff and puts you right into the action of getting started on your podcasting journey! “The organization of the course content, pacing of the modules, and the short duration of the video trainings make this course easy to digest. Julia took the overwhelm out of the process and I am so thankful that I purchased her course. I have recommended the Podcast Startup Academy to my friends because I know it will streamline the process for them too."

Then you are in the right place!

that wants to grow your business and make a bigger impact. You know that you need to establish yourself as an authority, get in front of new people,and draw them in.

An entrepreneur

that wants to share your wealth of knowledge and provide value to your audience. You’re confident that you have the information to change so many lives.

An educator

that knows there are more people out there that need to hear your message. You want to make an impact and be of service to a larger community.

A passionate coach

You get to do all of this while sharing your passion and knowledge with your own unique personality and building the business of your dreams.

  • Build the know, like, and trust factor to grow an engaged, loyal audience

  • Forge authentic connections with your target audience

  • Utilize an excellent marketing tool to convert leads into paying clients

  • Establish yourself as an expert in your field

  • Share value and inspiration, while making a more significant impact on others' lives

is a step-by-step plan that will guide you to…

My Podcast Startup Academy blueprint

to use your voice to make an impact in the world!
It's time...

Boost your bank account

Enjoy days off while your podcast generates leads

Master the podcast tech

Connect with the people that need your help

Create a binge-worthy podcast

Podcast Startup Academy will give you the tools, skills, inspiration, and unmatched support for you to…

Launched a live podcast for everyone to hear, building a platform to share your message and forge connections

Developed a strategic plan, making key decisions about your client avatar, content pillars, and podcast title

Demystified podcast technology, setting up your home podcasting studio with simplified steps and recording with ease

Produced a lead generation machine attracting your ideal clients on autopilot

Created podcast scripts, crafting what to say in your intro, outro, and future podcast episodes

Designed eye-catching and professional artwork, showcasing your expertise, personality, and passion across your podcast platforms

By the end of this course, you will have...

“I was feeling overwhelmed with everything I want to do to enter digital marketing and Julia had answers to my questions at her fingertips. She answered so many questions I had - but didn't know I had - during the process. I felt relief because I knew I was in good hands. Along the way I became certain that I could channel my creativity into the podcast because Julia has all the answers ... tech ... common practices ... explanations ... context in the podcast world, etc. Julia is the best, I have already recommended her and will continue to do so!”

Laurie Adams

“I wanted to begin a podcast but I had NO CLUE what to actually do ... Julia has been a HUGE GIFT and has taken so much off my plate so I can focus on what I love - talking and sharing my passion! She makes the process simple and efficient so you can do what you love, reach more people, and grow your BIZ in a big, giant way!

Dawn Pensack

Kind words from clients...

“If you're considering starting a podcast, I 11 out of 10, recommend Julia. She was my support, my guidance, my expertise, and I can say with a hundred percent certainty that without her, I would not have a podcast launch right now. She took me step-by-step through creating the trailer, the intro, the outro, etc. I didn't know what all these things were! Julia is calm and patient and a joy to work with, and I have something now that I am so excited and proud to share with others.

Heidi Gustafson

Lifetime access to all of the course content


Private Community to connect, share, and ask questions


Easy to follow workbooks in each course module that include podcast planning templates


Video demonstrations of setting up and using all of the tech



6 robust modules, broken down into 50+ bite-sized lessons

Step-by-step blueprint to take you from podcast idea to podcast launch


What’s included in
the Podcast Startup Academy?

Module 6: Launch Day & Beyond

You'll learn...

  • Receive tips to stay organized and keep up with recording episodes
  • Learn how to decide whether or not to outsource ongoing editing
  • Understand norms for download numbers and podcast growth
  • Celebrate your LIVE podcast!!!

Module 5: Back-end Tech Set-Up

You'll learn...

  • Which hosting platform that my clients and I prefer (and why!)
  • Where to insert all of your podcast’s details like cover art, keywords, and more
  • The way to schedule episodes and fill in your show notes
  • Ensure that your podcast’s distribution feed is working
  • How to get your podcast onto Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and everywhere else

Module 2: Your Recording Studio

You'll learn...

  • The best ways to set up your home office for optimal sound quality
  • My best tips for using your equipment to sound like a professional
  • My favorite software to make recording your podcast simple
  • How to record with guests in other locations
  • What to do if you can’t stand the sound of your own voice

Module 1: Foundations

You'll learn...

  • The simple equipment set-up that you need to sound awesome without breaking the bank
  • Techniques for topic validation and navigating a crowded podcast niche
  • The ideal length of your episodes in order to keep your audience engaged
  • The art of selecting a captivating show name
  • Ways of integrating your podcast into your customer journey

Module 4: Creative Touches

You'll learn...

  • What makes attractive and professional cover art
  • How to create your cover art using Canva
  • Where to find licensed music to set your podcast’s vibe
  • Tricks to make your audio crystal clear
  • Editing technique to remove the ums, long pauses, and restarts

Module 3: Content Planning 

You'll learn...

  • What to say in your podcast’s intro & outro
  • Ways to attract listeners through your show description
  • How to advertise your show with a podcast trailer
  • Key elements to include in your first episode
  • Effective strategies for planning your podcast episode

  • Receive tips to stay organized and keep up with recording episodes

  • Learn how to decide whether or not to outsource ongoing editing

  • Understand norms for download numbers and podcast growth

  • Celebrate your LIVE podcast!!!

You'll learn...

Module 6: Launch Day & Beyond

  • Which hosting platform that my clients and I prefer (and why!)

  • Where to insert all of your podcast’s details like cover art, keywords, and more

  • The way to schedule episodes and fill in your show notes

  • Ensure that your podcast’s distribution feed is working

  • How to get your podcast onto Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and everywhere else

You'll learn...

Module 5: Back-end Tech Set-Up

  • What makes attractive and professional cover art

  • How to create your cover art using Canva

  • Where to find licensed music to set your podcast’s vibe

  • Tricks to make your audio crystal clear

  • Editing technique to remove the ums, long pauses, and restarts

You'll learn...

Module 4: Creative Touches

  • What to say in your podcast’s intro & outro

  • Ways to attract listeners through your show description

  • How to advertise your show with a podcast trailer

  • Key elements to include in your first episode

  • Effective strategies for planning your podcast episodes

You'll learn...

Module 3: Content Planning

  • The best ways to set up your home office for optimal sound quality

  • My best tips for using your equipment, to sound like a professional

  • My favorite software to make recording your podcast simple

  • How to record with guests in other locations

  • What to do if you can’t stand the sound of your own voice

You'll learn...

Module 2: Your Recording Studio

  • The simple equipment set-up that you need to sound awesome without breaking the bank

  • Techniques for topic validation and navigating a crowded podcast niche

  • The ideal length of your episodes in order to keep your audience engaged

  • The art of selecting a captivating show name

  • Ways of integrating your podcast into your customer journey

You'll learn...

Module 1: Foundations

Tips and tricks to have the best experience possible when hosting guests on your podcast.

Podcast Host Interview Cheat Sheet

Track your podcast’s download data and keep it organized in the provided template. A video walkthrough explains which numbers matter and where to find them.

Podcast Data Analysis Tutorial

Attract listeners from Day One with this week-by-week marketing guide that will show you how to shout your podcast from the rooftops!

Podcast Promotion Guide


Many hesitate to start a podcast due to concerns about the time commitment. But AI can save you hours!

9 ChatGPT Prompts to Cut Podcast Production Time in Half

You will receive...

  • Step-by-step blueprint to take you from podcast idea to podcast launch (Value $797)
  • 6 robust modules, broken down into 50+ bite-sized lessons (Value $899)
  • Video demonstrations of setting up and using all of the tech (Value $999)
  • Easy to follow workbooks in each course module that include podcast planning templates (Value $199)
  • Private Community to connect, share, and ask questions (Value $399)
  • Lifetime access to all of the course content (Value $997+)
  • BONUSES (Value $77)

Do you want to FINALLY start that podcast
that you’ve been dreaming of???

Podcast Startup Academy contains EVERYTHING that
you need to know to start your podcast!
Total Value = Over $4,367

Doors are officially open for enrollment!

Podcast Startup Academy is clear, super well organized, easy to follow, and a real joy to work through! Overall, a really wonderful course experience! I own a couple of other podcast courses that I have never made it past the first couple of lessons. PSA is definitely the course I’m recommending!

Hélène Lawler
1 payment of
6 payments of
Receive an extra bonus!
I want to start
my podcast!

Extended payment plan
Total Value = Over $4,367

  • Step-by-step blueprint to take you from podcast idea to podcast launch (Value $797)

  • 6 robust modules, broken down into 50+ bite-sized lessons (Value $899)

  • Video demonstrations of setting up and using all of the tech (Value $999)

  • Easy to follow workbooks in each course module that include podcast planning templates (Value $199)

  • Private Community to connect, share, and ask questions (Value $399)

  • Lifetime access to all of the course content (Value $997+)

  • BONUSES (Value $77)

You will receive...

Doors are officially open for enrollment!

Do you want to FINALLY
start that podcast that
you’ve been dreaming of???

Podcast Startup Academy contains EVERYTHING that
you need to know to start your podcast!

Podcast Startup Academy is clear, super well organized, easy to follow, and a real joy to work through! Overall, a really wonderful course experience! I own a couple of other podcast courses that I have never made it past the first couple of lessons. PSA is definitely the course I’m recommending!

Hélène Lawler

I want to start
my podcast!

Receive an extra bonus!
1 payment of

6 payments of

Serena Low

If you’re new to the world of podcasting and nervous about the how and what and who, big picture vs details, Julia’s your gal.”

Gina Hansen

“Julia is really organized in her process and clear in her directions. She is such a delight to work with!”

Monica & Austin Mangelson

“Julia will blow you away with her wealth of knowledge and her dedication to your success. She helped us feel confident and secure throughout the entire process.”

Kind words from clients...

After all 6 modules, you’ll be ready to launch an awesome, binge-worthy podcast! If you need a bit more time, no problem! You have lifetime access to all of the course modules.

You'll get access to all of the course materials immediately. 

Click the I WANT TO START MY PODCAST button, finalize your purchase, and voila! You’ll soon receive an email “You're IN for the Podcast Startup Academy!!!!” to confirm your enrollment.

Ready to take the next step?

As an introvert, the idea of putting my voice into the world was really scary. It held me back from launching my podcast for so long.

I've been there, struggling with visibility fears, overthinking, and perfectionism. 

But, I came out the other side and am now the host of the top-rated show, Podcasting for Introverts!

I love helping others on their podcasting journey. I spent 12 years as an elementary school teacher and then pivoted to combine my love of teaching with my love of podcasts.  

I believe that a podcast is the best way to connect with the audience that you serve, and helping you launch your podcast from day 1 is my biggest passion!

About Julia, The Podcast Teacher™

Frequently asked questions

I'm a _____. Will this work for me?

Whatever you put in the blank, yes! The course focuses on the “how to” of starting a podcast and is applicable to anyone interested in beginning their podcasting journey.

How long will it take me to start my podcast?

You get access to all of the course materials immediately, so you can go as fast or as slow as you need to! But I designed the course to fit nicely into a 6 week timeframe.

How much will I need to spend on equipment and
other items?

I recommend a minimum budget of $100 for the one-time purchase of equipment. After that, $12 per month supports a quality hosting platform.

Do I need to be really tech-savvy to succeed
at podcasting?

Nope! I give you step-by-step instructions so that you can confidently use the right tools to create your podcast. However, you do need to be comfortable with basic technology.

How long do I have access to the materials?

You get lifetime access to everything!

What if I have another question?

I want to make sure that you have all of the information that you need. Please email any additional questions to

Michele Schwartz

“I had wanted to start a podcast for so many years. I went to a podcast conference before the pandemic--and despite all the time during the pandemic, I still could not get started. I signed up for three other online podcast courses before signing up to work with Julia. After three years, it took one month of working with Julia to have three episodes and be ready to launch. You can tell Julia was a teacher in her former career because of her ability to make the complicated tech easy to understand, the pep talks, the show ideas, the video demonstrations, and her workbooks. She's simply the best!

Launched a live podcast for everyone to hear, building a platform to share your message and forge connections

Developed a strategic plan, making key decisions about your client avatar, content pillars, and podcast title

Demystified podcast technology, setting up your home podcasting studio with simplified steps and recording with ease

Produced a lead generation machine attracting your ideal clients on autopilot

Created podcast scripts, crafting what to say in your intro, outro, and future podcast episodes

Designed eye-catching and professional artwork, showcasing your expertise, personality, and passion across your podcast platforms

Remember, By the end of this course, you will have...

You will receive...

  • Step-by-step blueprint to take you from podcast idea to podcast launch (Value $797)
  • 6 robust modules, broken down into 50+ bite-sized lessons (Value $899)
  • Video demonstrations of setting up and using all of the tech (Value $999)
  • Easy to follow workbooks in each course module that include podcast planning templates (Value $199)
  • Private Community to connect, share, and ask questions (Value $399)
  • Lifetime access to all of the course content (Value $997+)
  • BONUSES (Value $77)

Do you want to FINALLY start that podcast
that you’ve been dreaming of???

Podcast Startup Academy contains EVERYTHING that
you need to know to start your podcast!
Total Value = Over $4,367

Doors are officially open for enrollment!

1 payment of
6 payments of
Receive an extra bonus!
I want to start
my podcast!

Extended payment plan

"Podcast Startup Academy made it really simple to launch my podcast. I would have never thought that I could get my podcast up and running within six weeks without any kind of meltdown. Whenever I hit obstacles along the way, Julia was there to guide me, support me and help me out. She goes over and beyond to support her students. It's one thing to get all the information and knowledge we need. It's another to wrap all of this into so much love and passion that the energy is filled with fun, gratitude, and curiosity. Julia mastered both. Thank you so much Julia, you really made it fun! I highly recommend you and your course. I couldn't imagine a better teacher and cheerleader."

Nadja Hagen
Total Value = Over $4,367

  • Step-by-step blueprint to take you from podcast idea to podcast launch (Value $797)

  • 6 robust modules, broken down into 50+ bite-sized lessons (Value $899)

  • Video demonstrations of setting up and using all of the tech (Value $999)

  • Easy to follow workbooks in each course module that include podcast planning templates (Value $199)

  • Private Community to connect, share, and ask questions (Value $399)

  • Lifetime access to all of the course content (Value $997+)

  • BONUSES (Value $77)

You will receive...

Doors are officially open for enrollment!

Do you want to FINALLY
start that podcast that
you’ve been dreaming of???

Podcast Startup Academy contains EVERYTHING that
you need to know to start your podcast!
I want to start
my podcast!

Receive an extra bonus!
1 payment of

6 payments of

"Podcast Startup Academy made it really simple to launch my podcast. I would have never thought that I could get my podcast up and running within six weeks without any kind of meltdown. Whenever I hit obstacles along the way, Julia was there to guide me, support me and help me out. She goes over and beyond to support her students. It's one thing to get all the information and knowledge we need. It's another to wrap all of this into so much love and passion that the energy is filled with fun, gratitude, and curiosity. Julia mastered both. Thank you so much Julia, you really made it fun! I highly recommend you and your course. I couldn't imagine a better teacher and cheerleader."

Nadja Hagen

  • You are not ready to learn new skills

  • You have all the clients/leads you want

  • You lost your passion for helping others

  • You want to piecemeal together free resources

  • You’re not comfortable using basic technology

  • You need 1:1 support

It's NOT for you if:

  • You are serious about starting your podcast

  • You desire a step-by-step simple plan to follow

  • You are eager to elevate your business with another marketing platform

  • You have a passion for your topic and connecting with a larger community

  • You want to be able to ask questions 

It's RIGHT for you if:

Who is the Podcast Startup Academy
right for?

You know that a podcast will allow you to serve a larger audience and make a bigger impact. You’ve been thinking about it for a while now…months, maybe even years, have passed by.

You can continue to let it sit there on the back burner, waiting for someday that will probably never come. Or, you can turn your podcasting dreams into reality!

I know, podcasting can seem scary and there’s no guarantee that you’ll be successful. But, what would you tell a client who came to you with a similar question? From my own personal coaching experience, I can guess that you’re likely to say something similar to “you won’t know until you try.”

Amazing things are waiting for you just on the other side. You just have to take the leap.

Will this be the year you launch your podcast? If you join me, and do the work, I believe in your ability to make it happen!

If you’ve made it all the way to the end of this page…then let’s have a little heart-to-heart.

You will receive...

  • Step-by-step blueprint to take you from podcast idea to podcast launch (Value $797)
  • 6 robust modules, broken down into 50+ bite-sized lessons (Value $899)
  • Video demonstrations of setting up and using all of the tech (Value $999)
  • Easy to follow workbooks in each course module that include podcast planning templates (Value $199)
  • Private Community to connect, share, and ask questions (Value $399)
  • Lifetime access to all of the course content (Value $997+)
  • BONUSES (Value $77)

Do you want to FINALLY start that podcast
that you’ve been dreaming of???

Podcast Startup Academy contains EVERYTHING that
you need to know to start your podcast!
Total Value = Over $4,367

Doors are officially open for enrollment!

1 payment of
6 payments of
Receive an extra bonus!
I want to start
my podcast!

Extended payment plan

“I could not have started my podcast without Podcast Startup Academy! I had been wanting to start a podcast for months! I knew I had a voice and knowledge that I wanted to share with people, but I didn't know how to set the pieces up. Julia showed me exactly how to do everything. The course has videos about the best equipment to pick, how to use it, what to put on my podcast cover, and how to write my episode titles. I'm so grateful for her attention to detail, and her reliability. Julia is just a joy to work with!

Robbin Kent
I want to start
my podcast!

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6 payments of

"I could not have started my podcast without Podcast Startup Academy! I had been wanting to start a podcast for months! I knew I had a voice and knowledge that I wanted to share with people, but I didn't know how to set the pieces up. Julia showed me exactly how to do everything. The course has videos about the best equipment to pick, how to use it, what to put on my podcast cover, and how to write my episode titles. I'm so grateful for her attention to detail, and her reliability. Julia is just a joy to work with!

Robbin Kent